Changes in the Foreign Policy of the Republic of Bulgaria under the Russian Influence




The article explores changes in the foreign policy of the Republic of Bulgaria, which began with the transformation of the political regime in the state and the establishment of a democratic political system. At the turn of the century, Bulgaria became a member of influential international organizations – NATO and the European Union. Bulgarian officials have stepped up their relations with NATO officials and the military departments of the Allies. The Russian war in Ukraine has transformed RB into a “frontal zone” of the EU and NATO, increased its strategic importance, strengthened the desire of the politicians of the Republic of Bulgaria to seek guarantees of their security in the United States. However in the last six years, under the influence of a Russian factor, Bulgaria often takes other positions, different from the NATO and EU common line, in particular, seeking to re-establish traditional close ties with Moscow, advocates a good and constructive dialogue with the Russian Federation, in the European arena, stands for softening sanctions and giving the European Union a position more pragmatic about Russia.

Keywords: Republic of Bulgaria, NATO, European Union, Ukraine, Russian Federation, Russian factor, sanctions.

Author Biography

Vira Burdjak, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Doctor of Political Science, Professor Department of Political Science and Public Administration


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How to Cite

Burdjak, V. (2019). Changes in the Foreign Policy of the Republic of Bulgaria under the Russian Influence. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (40), 34–41.