Features of US-Cameroon Relations in the Central Africa


  • Emmanuel Jabea Eluke Oles Honchar Dnipro National University




U.S., Cameroon, Central African region, Regional Leadership Competition


The study is the first to examine U.S.-Cameroon relations in the context of competition of regional centers of power in Central Africa. The study aims to examine the benefits/advantages of the U.S.-Cameroon relations to Cameroon in the leadership competition in the Central African region. Following up on the latest developments in Cameroon regarding Central Africa was another method used in the study.  U.S.-Cameroon relations are positive, although they have been negatively affected by concerns over human rights abuses, especially in the Anglophone Northwest and Southwest Regions. Cameroon plays an essential role in regional stability, especially in the Central African Republic's peace process and defeating piracy in the Gulf of Guinea. Cameroon is a crucial  regional player in the fight against terrorism, in the Lake Chad Region in particular and in the Central African region in general. America's and Cameroon's governments collaborate and cooperate positively on many issues, including democracy and governance, environmental protection, health, humanitarian assistance, and regional security in Central Africa. US-Cameroon relations have put Cameroon at the forefront of the leadership competition in the Central African region. The U.S. considers Cameroon to be the 'natural and legitimate' leader in the Central African region.

Author Biography

Emmanuel Jabea Eluke, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

Ph.D. student, Department of International Relations


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How to Cite

Jabea Eluke, E. (2021). Features of US-Cameroon Relations in the Central Africa. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (43), 22–29. https://doi.org/10.31861/mhpi2021.43.22-29