Ideological Resources of the Russian Federation under the Conditions of the Geopolitical Fight for Ukraine


  • Vitaliy Motsok Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University



The article deals with the ideological resources of the Russian Federation to resist democracy promotion in the context of geopolitical struggle for Ukraine. The author emphasizes that ideological component of the fight for Ukraine makes significant impact on and to a large extent defines the development of confrontation between the main players as collective West from one side and Russia from the other, which developed its own concept of non-liberal regime and mechanisms of its external projecion as a mode to resist democracy promotion. During 2004-2017 the geopolitcal fight for Ukraine has been activating particluarly in ideological aspects especially in connection with two the most prominent examples of external players’ participation in the democratization processes and authoritarian reaction as Orange Revolution of 2004-2005 and Euromaidan / Revolution of Dignity of 2013-2014. Period of 2013-2017 has become the most demonstrative, since the Russian Federation among its «hard power» resources had used significant tools of ideological resistance toward democracy promotion as: autocracy promotion, «sovereign democracy», «russian world / peace» («russkiimir»), neoeurasianism toward Ukraine.

Keywords: Ideological resources, democracy promotion, geopolitical struggle, Ukraine, Russia

Author Biography

Vitaliy Motsok, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations Department of International Relations



How to Cite

Motsok, V. (2017). Ideological Resources of the Russian Federation under the Conditions of the Geopolitical Fight for Ukraine. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (33-34), 134–144.