Specifics of Communication Support of Activities of Foreign Political Institutions in Modern Democracies


  • Iryna Tsikul Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University




communication, foreign political institutions, communication support, disinformation, communication support tools


The article is devoted to the peculiarities of communication support of foreign policy institutions in modern democracies, by defining the tasks facing the foreign policy institutions of democracies in the information and communication sphere, characteristics of tools used to provide communication support to foreign policy institutions in modern democracies. areas of use of information and communication technologies in the practice of foreign policy institutions of power of developed democracies. Communication support of foreign policy institutions is defined as the establishment of communicative ties at all stages of the process of formation and implementation of foreign policy, by ensuring free access to information, creating information drives and their own information flows. Communication support for the activities of foreign policy institutions includes: (1) preparation by diplomats of information on the real state of affairs at the place of residence, intended for the leadership and heads of diplomacy of other states; (2) direct participation of representatives of diplomatic missions in providing information on the foreign policy of their country, supporting other countries and strengthening the positive image of their country in the international arena. According to the author, the transformation of the information and communication function of government institutions is observed not so much in technical innovations, but in essence, ie in changing its content. Today, the function of foreign policy institutions of government is to establish a constructive dialogue between states, which, above all, involves parity of positions and respect for the interests and goals of the opposite party. The foreign policy departments of different countries, despite the specifics of the organization and legal status of each of them, have many similar directions in the implementation of information and communication function, due primarily to the importance of information and communication as elements of diplomatic activity.

Author Biography

Iryna Tsikul, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Candidate of Political Science, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and Public Administration


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How to Cite

Tsikul, I. (2022). Specifics of Communication Support of Activities of Foreign Political Institutions in Modern Democracies. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (45), 193–204. https://doi.org/10.31861/mhpi2022.45.193-204