Formation of the research tradition of studying the institute Parliamentarism as a mechanism for the establishment of democracy


  • Akil Ibrahim Al-Zuhari Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University



The article defines the features of the process of forming the research tradition of studying the institute of parliamentarism as a mechanism for the formation of democracy. It is established that parliamentarism acts as one of the varieties of the regime of functioning of the state, to which the independence of the representative body from the people is inherent, its actual primacy in the state mechanism, the division of functions between the legislative and executive branches of government, the responsibility and accountability of the government to the parliament. It is justified that, in addition to the regime that fully meets the stated requirements of classical parliamentarism, there are regimes that can be characterized as limited parliamentary regimes.

The conclusions point out that parliamentarism does not necessarily lead to a democracy regime. At the first stage of development of statehood, it functions for a long time in the absence of many attributes of democracy, but at the present stage, without parliamentarism, democracy will be substantially limited. Modern researchers of parliamentarism recognize that this institution is undergoing changes with the development of the processes of democracy and democratization. This is what produces different approaches to its definition. However, most scientists under classical parliamentarianism understand such a system, which is based on the balance of power. This approach seeks to justify limiting the rights of parliament and strengthening executive power.

Keywords: Parliamentarism, research strategy, theory of parliamentarism, types of parliamentarism



How to Cite

Al-Zuhari, A. I. (2017). Formation of the research tradition of studying the institute Parliamentarism as a mechanism for the establishment of democracy. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (33-34), 187–198.