The main stages in the formation of the theory of the Second Modern in modern political science


  • Kateryna Mykhailytsia Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University



The article analyzes the process of formation, empirical verification and development of the theory of the Second Modern. It is established that it can be described with the help of four stages: the stage of actualization of the renewed essence of social and political; the stage of approval in scientific political science discourse; stage of development; a stage of empirical application and evolution.

It is proved that among the features of the new form of modernity, which could be explained with the help of the theory of the Second Modern, the most important is the ambiguous in its consequences, the transformation of political signs, in particular, the increase in the degree of openness of national political systems, accompanied by growing uncertainty of the functioning of political institutions; strengthening of the absolutization of traditional value-normative systems of political regulation; strengthening the importance of political self-organization of citizens, the formation of new forms of democracy and civil society; the complication and differentiation of the space-time characteristics of the political, in particular, the «glocalization»of space and the «compression»of time.

It is substantiated that the development of the theory of the Second Modern in modern political science reflects the transformation of the political essence in the new social conditions. All analyzed research interpretations of the Second Modernism state that the main direction of political change is the process of deinstitutionalization of political institutions, which takes place in sufficiently diverse forms: through new identification practices destroying the old institution; by forming «normal deviations», that is, due to a change in the notion of norms; changing the functions of the institution; weakening the legal form of institutionalization; changing the basis of legitimization, when instead of legal legitimization, social legitimization becomes more meaningful.

Keywords: Political theory, theory of the Second Modern, stages of the development of the theory, political

Author Biography

Kateryna Mykhailytsia, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Graduate student of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration


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How to Cite

Mykhailytsia, K. (2017). The main stages in the formation of the theory of the Second Modern in modern political science. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (35-36), 245–253.