About the Journal

"Modern Historical and Political Issues" is included in the list of professional publications of Ukraine, category "B," in political science, historical sciences, and international relations. This inclusion is in accordance with orders from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 409 from March 17, 2020, № 1188 from September 24, 2020, and № 1471 from November 26, 2020.

The journal is also included in the list of scientific journals of the Republic of Poland, as per the order of the Minister of Education and Science of February 9, 2021. It is listed in the following subject areas: philosophy, history, international relations (nauki o bezpieczeństwie), political sciences and administration (nauki o polityce i administracji), and sociological science.

State Registration Certificate КВ 15998-4470ПР, issued September 9, 2009.

Media ID R30-01701 from October 10, 2023.

ISSN 2519-4518 (Print)
ISSN 2617-2372 (Online)

Established: 2001

Frequency: Biannual (June and December)

Submission Deadline: March 15 for the June issue, September 15 for the December issue

Languages: Ukrainian, English, Polish, German, and Romanian

Founder and Publisher: Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Article Processing Charges (APCs) / Submission Charges:

Publication of articles is free of charge.