Politicization of International Organizations of the European Security Regime in Ukrainian Public Space
international organizations, politicization, salience, authority, NATO, EU, Council of Europe, OSCE, UN, UkraineAbstract
This article touches upon the politicization of international organizations in the Ukrainian public. Although the literature on politicization has grown significantly in recent years, research has focused on Western Europe and North America. Analysis of the politicization of international organizations in Ukraine, which has been experiencing a fundamental crisis for years, provides an opportunity to better understanding the phenomenon of politicization. The purpose of this article is to investigate the dynamics of politicization in Ukraine regarding five international organizations relevant in the context of the European security order: EU, NATO, OSCE, UN and Council of Europe. The analysis of this specific case aims to improve the understanding of the phenomenon of politicization at the international level and to contribute to further theoretical development. This concerns, in particular, two aspects that have been neglected in previous studies: the role of intense or even existential crises and politicization at different stages of membership status. In the article, we empirically investigate the politicization of international organizations based on the reports of the Ukrainian Information Agency UNIAN and international information agencies for the period from 2011 to the end of 2022. To achieve the goal, the following tasks: to select organizations of the European security order and a representative text corpus relevant for Ukraine; to establish the frequency of mentions of relevant international organizations in the Ukrainian media space, as well as on the database of international information agencies; to investigate the trends of politicization in the Ukrainian and international environments, to compare them with each other; clarify the theoretical provisions based on the empirical study of the Ukrainian case and expand knowledge about the politicization of international organizations. Conclusions. The study of the politicization of international organizations in Ukraine provided the opportunity to expand theoretical knowledge on this issue. In particular, the issue of the influence of existential crises on the development of politicization, the differences in politicization depending on the status of state membership and the formal authority of the organization, as well as the specifics of politicization in national and international mass media were discussed in more detail.
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