Strategy of Bilateral Security Agreements of Ukraine: Advantages and Disadvantages




Ukraine, international relations, geopolicy, bilateral agreements, international security, foreign policy


With the beginning of the full-scale phase of Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Ukraine was forced to review its approach to international security cooperation in search of more effective formats of security cooperation, which became the system of bilateral security agreements. The purpose of this study is to collect and analyze available data regarding the process of developing this initiative, the content of the agreements and their prospects, highlighting their positive aspects and risks for both Ukraine and its partners. When writing the article, two theoretical approaches were used: defensive neorealism and institutional neoliberalism, which provide an opportunity to expand this problem with the use of eclecticism. The methodology was based on factor and content analyses, in connection with the use and analysis of documents and written sources. The result of the study was the confirmation of the thesis regarding the significant strengthening of Ukraine's defense capabilities through the use of the model of bilateral security agreements with NATO, EU and G7 partner states, however, this system is not able to provide Ukraine with the level of security guarantee provided for by NATO membership. Bilateral security agreements can be used as a foundation for strengthening defense cooperation with NATO and EU member states for the preliminary establishment of a platform that will contribute to the accelerated Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine, however, they may pose a risk due to their political nature and potential scope of their application to Ukraine's preservation of the status quo in Russian aggression.Given the novelty of this topic and the lack of a large source base, this article is designed to attract and increase the public's interest in the issues of international security cooperation of Ukraine and lays the foundation for the continuation of this research in the future with a larger empirical database for a deeper analysis.

Author Biography

Dmytro Mykola Kolos, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University

Phd. Student, Doctoral School of Social Sciences


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How to Cite

Kolos, D. M. (2024). Strategy of Bilateral Security Agreements of Ukraine: Advantages and Disadvantages. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (49), 27–43.