Information Warfare as a Tool of International Policy (Experience for Ukraine)
hybrid war, information policy, information security, disinformation, concept of «soft power»Abstract
The article examines the role of information warfare as a tool of international politics, with a special emphasis on the experience of Ukraine in the conditions of the modern hybrid conflict with Russia. The topicality of the topic is determined by the fact that information warfare is one of the main components of modern military-political conflicts, where information is used to undermine state institutions, discredit the authorities, manipulate public opinion and destabilize societies. The purpose of the study is to study scientific approaches to the analysis of information warfare, to identify key tools and technologies used in information operations against Ukraine, as well as to assess the importance of international cooperation and support in strengthening the state’s resilience to information threats. Research methods included the analysis of scientific sources, publications, analytical reports and specific information operations directed against Ukraine. The methods of content analysis were used to study information narratives that spread through different channels, a systematic approach to assess the complex impact of information attacks on the state, as well as a comparative analysis to identify similar and different strategies of information warfare in other countries. The results of the study showed that Russia uses a wide arsenal of information technologies, such as the spread of fake news, manipulation of historical facts, active use of social media and cyber operations. These actions are aimed not only at destabilizing Ukraine, but also at the international audience in order to spread pro-Russian narratives. In addition, the study found that the international community plays an important role in supporting Ukraine by providing technical, financial and expert assistance. International initiatives and coalitions aimed at combating disinformation have become an important element of ensuring information security in Ukraine. The conclusions emphasize that effective countermeasures against information warfare require a comprehensive approach that includes cooperation between government institutions, public organizations, the private sector, and international partners.
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