Ukraine-USA Relations with the Onset of a Full-Scale Russo-Ukrainian War




Ukrainian-US relations, military aid, strategic partnership, Charter 2021, strategy of imitation, Euro-Atlantic integration, fight against corruption


The article examines the dynamics and main events of Ukrainian-US relations at the beginning of J. Biden's term in office (2021). The analysis of public statements, official documents and actions reveals the views and positions of the parties, as well as the main directions and problems of bilateral cooperation. It is determined that despite the declared intentions to revive the strategic partnership between the countries, in 2021 Ukrainian-US relations were marked by tensions and coolness behind the scenes, caused by the imitation of the reform activities of the Zelenskyy’s administration. In general, the Biden administration was sceptical about the reform potential and competence of the government team in Kyiv.
It has been established that Washington was inclined to take a tough approach to building relations with Ukraine, but the deterrent factor in this was Russia's aggressive actions near the Ukrainian-Russian border.
During this period, security, support for reforms, the fight against corruption and the completion of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline were at the top of the agenda of bilateral relations between Ukraine and the United States. Of these areas, only the security sector showed a stable dynamic of cooperation.
It was found that Ukrainian-American defence cooperation remained at a high level (supply of equipment, training, advisory support for reforms). At the same time, the Biden administration has prioritised strengthening the capabilities of the Ukrainian Navy in providing military assistance.
The article analyses the content of the new US-Ukraine Strategic Partnership Charter of 10 November 2021. It is revealed that conceptually it did not offer a qualitative deepening of relations, but only consolidated the achieved level of partnership between the countries. The document focuses on issues of security cooperation and economic transformation in Ukraine with an emphasis on reforms and the fight against corruption.

Author Biography

Viktor Pashkov, University of customs and finance

Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of international relations


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How to Cite

Pashkov, V. (2024). Ukraine-USA Relations with the Onset of a Full-Scale Russo-Ukrainian War . Modern Historical and Political Issues, (50), 32–44.