The Russian Context of Military-Political Threats and Challenges to Ukraine's National Security during Viktor Yanukovych's Presidency
Ukraine, national security, military-political threats, Russia, foreign policyAbstract
The Law of Ukraine “On the Fundamentals of National Security”, the National Security Strategy of Ukraine, the Military Doctrine of Ukraine, and the Strategic Defense Bulletin, adopted during Viktor Yanukovych's presidency, adequately highlighted the military-political threats and challenges associated with Russia's actions. However, in seeking ways to counter these threats, the political leadership of that time declared a non-aligned status while simultaneously pursuing deeper European integration and maintaining strategic partnership with Russia. This situation is paradoxical from several perspectives. First and foremost, in the context of the crisis in the international security system and the weakening of international security institutions, the decision to transition to a “non-aligned” status was undoubtedly misguided. Even more absurd was this decision in light of the concurrent systemic reduction in the size of Ukraine's armed forces, decreased funding, disbanding of combat-ready units, weakening of the mobilization system of the Armed Forces, and other similar developments.
In the context of countering regional threats, Ukrainian strategic security documents proposed steps aimed at addressing the militarization of the Central European and Black Sea-Caspian regions, at preventing the legitimization of quasi-state entities in the region, and enhancing Ukraine's role as a participant in resolving “frozen” conflicts in the European part of the post-Soviet space, among others. While recognizing the relevance of these objectives, it must be stated that official Kyiv lacked the necessary resources to influence these processes effectively.
Overall, the strategic security documents of Viktor Yanukovych's presidency sufficiently identified the military-political challenges and threats associated with Russia's actions. However, Russia itself was not explicitly identified as the source of these threats and challenges. Moreover, no concrete measures were proposed to counter the outlined challenges and threats. Most importantly, there was no practical action undertaken to significantly improve the security situation either within Ukraine or along its borders.
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