Legitimation and Delegitimation of the OSCE in the Ukrainian Media Space





international organizations, politicization, salience, legitimation, delegitimation, OSCE, Ukraine


This article focusses on the process of legitimation and delegitimation of the OSCE in the Ukrainian media space in 2011-2021. An attempt was made to analyze the evaluative contexts of mentions of the OSCE in the specified period, to trace the dynamics of changes in trust in the organization against the background of its visibility, and to establish cause-and-effect relationships and trends. The purpose of this article is to investigate the dynamics of legitimation and delegitimation of the OSCE in the Ukrainian media space during the war in Donbas, as well as in the pre-war years. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: 1) to trace the dynamics of politicization of the OSCE in the Ukrainian media field; 2) to analyze the relationship between the processes of politicization and legitimation of the OSCE in the Ukraine; 3) to identify trends in legitimation and delegitimation of the OSCE in the Ukrainian media space. Research methodology. To achieve the set objectives, we rely primarily on the methods of content analysis, intent analysis, historical and quantitative analysis of media materials. As a result, the dynamics of (de)legitimation of the OSCE in the Ukrainian media space during 2011-2021 against the background of the process of politicization of this organization have been investigated. Based on the data analysis, conclusions have been drawn that the process of (de)legitimation of the OSCE in the Ukrainian media space is mainly related to its involvement in the diplomatic settlement of the military conflict in Donbas. At the same time, in addition to the organization’s own activities, important factors of (de)legitimation are also the hopes and disappointments placed on the OSCE, as well as changes in the system of international relations.

Author Biographies

Thomas Sommerer, University of Potsdam

Professor of International Organizations at the Department of Politics and Public Administration

Halyna Ivasiuk, University of Potsdam

Doctor of political sciences, Guest researcher at the Chair of International Organizations

Constantin Treisch, German Society for International Cooperation GmbH, Berlin

Bachelor of Arts in Political and Social Studies & Economic Sciences at University Würzburg, Master of Arts International Relations at Free University Berlin, Humboldt University Berlin, University of Potsdam, Intern in the sector project "Peace and Security, Disaster Risk Management"


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How to Cite

Sommerer, T., Ivasiuk, H., & Treisch, C. (2024). Legitimation and Delegitimation of the OSCE in the Ukrainian Media Space. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (50), 79–86. https://doi.org/10.31861/mhpi2024.50.79-86