Using the Key Guidelines of Z. Brzezinski’s International Policy Paradigm in Shaping Regional Priorities of Ukraine's Foreign Policy
vectors of Ukraine's foreign policy, Central and Eastern Europe, EU, NATO, USA, Great Britain, the concept of “Intermaria”, Euro-Atlantic integrationAbstract
A study of the application of Z. Brzezinski's conceptual approaches, ideas and recommendations in the practice of forming and implementing Ukraine's foreign policy in the period from the declaration of independence to the present, its global and regional priorities. The article examines the dynamics of foreign policy processes in Ukraine in the context of conditional periodization and priority vectors and their correlation with Z. Brzezinski's doctrinal principles. The genesis of approaches to building the strategy and practice of Ukraine's foreign policy during the presidential terms of L. Kravchuk, L. Kuchma, V. Yushchenko, V. Yanukovych, P. Poroshenko and V. Zelensky is analyzed. The internal and external factors influencing the main foreign policy decisions made by the governmental institutions of Ukraine during the period from 1991 to the present, the current and potential consequences of these decisions for the state and the Central European region in the short and long term are considered. Particular attention is paid to Z. Brzezinski's adjustment of his own ideas and guidelines regarding Ukraine's foreign policy priorities under the influence of global and regional political processes, in particular, Russia's aggression in 2014 and the collective West's reaction to it. The assessment of Ukraine's foreign policy decisions by leading analysts and international expert institutions was taken into account, both in the context of their impact on the current international political situation and from the perspective of the embodiment of Z. Brzezinski's geopolitical forecasts and recommendations. The prospects for applying elements of his international policy paradigm to the implementation of Ukraine's foreign policy are considered through the prism of the impact of Russia's full-scale invasion on the dynamics and directions of geopolitical processes in Europe and the world.
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