Emergence and Activities of the First Jewish Political Association in Bukovyna in the Early Twentieth Century





political association, Jewish religious community, Bukovyna, Austria-Hungary


The article highlights the findings of research on the lesser-known aspects of the Jewish social movement in Bukovyna during the early twentieth century. In particular, it explores the origins, circumstances, and distinctive features of the first Jewish political association called Jüdischer Volksverein (Jewish People’s Association).
The study reveals that the association was founded in 1901 on the initiative of Benno Straucher, a prominent Bukovynian Jewish figure of the Austrian period. At that time, he proposed a course for the political emancipation of Bukovynian Jewry. He began to implement this plan together with his closest supporters.
In its organizational and legal form, it was a voluntary association governed by the Austrian Law on the Right of Associations of November 15, 1867. In practice, however, it represented an attempt to establish a structure with the features and institutional functionality of classic political parties, whose activities in the Habsburg Empire were not yet legally regulated at the time.
The main goal of the first Jewish political organization was to unite, protect, and represent the political interests of Bukovynian Jewry at various levels. The most notable activity of the association took place in 1901-1904. The association primarily expressed itself through a public campaign, criticizing proponents of assimilation and continued cooperation with Bukovynian Germans. It also organized mass meetings to support the political agenda of its leader. However, an internal conflict arose between the association’s leadership and its chairperson over the arbitrary management of the organization, as well as differing perspectives on the tactics and strategy of local Jewish politics. As a result, the association effectively ceased its activities in 1905.
Although the association did not accomplish its ambitious objectives, studying its origins and activities offers valuable insights into goals and methods of political mobilization among Bukovynian Jewry in the early twentieth century.

Author Biography

Mykola Kushnir , Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Postgraduate student of the Department of History of Ukraine, Director of the Chernivtsi Museum of History and Culture of the Jews of Bukovina


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How to Cite

Kushnir , M. (2024). Emergence and Activities of the First Jewish Political Association in Bukovyna in the Early Twentieth Century. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (50), 153–165. https://doi.org/10.31861/mhpi2024.50.153-165