My vision of the Moscovisation of Bukovyna, by Mykola Tymoshyk: Tymoshyk, M. The Moscovisation of Bukovyna (1940 - 1990). Based on archive documents and press materials. In 2 Books




review, мoscovisation (zmoskovlennya), Bukovyna


Review of the book by Mykola Tymoshyk "The Moscovisation of Bukovyna (1940 - 1990). Based on archive documents and press materials. In 2 Books".

Author Biography

Yuriy Makar , Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Professor of the Department of International Relations and Public Communications


Tymoshyk M. (2024), Zmoskovlennya Bukovyny (1940-1990). Za dokumentamy arkhiviv ta materialamy presy. V 2-kh knyzhkakh [The Moscovisation of Bukovyna (1940 - 1990). Based on archive documents and press materials. In 2 Books]. Knyha persha. Mentalʹnistʹ. Kulʹtura. Literatura [Book One. Mentality. Culture. Literature]. Vydavnychyy tsentr «Akademiya», Kyyiv, 448 s.; Knyha druha. Pero i mikrofon yak zbroya [Book Two: The Pen and the Microphone as a Weapon]. Vydavnychyy tsentr «Akademiya», Kyyiv, 528 s. [In Ulrainian].



How to Cite

Makar , Y. (2024). My vision of the Moscovisation of Bukovyna, by Mykola Tymoshyk: Tymoshyk, M. The Moscovisation of Bukovyna (1940 - 1990). Based on archive documents and press materials. In 2 Books. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (50), 176–180.

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