My Canadiana
Canadian studies, immigration studies, international conferencesAbstract
In the article the author talks about his research activities in the field of Canadian studies and immigration studies, which has begun in the late 1970s in the Chernivtsi State University. The subject of the author’s scientific research was to study the role of immigrants of different ethnic origins in the settlement and development of the Canadian West and in the socio-economic progress of Canada as a whole in the period since the late nineteenth century until the beginning of the WWII. A separate place is given to the author’s participation in respected scientific conferences, for example, his participation in the centennial conference “Ukrainian Canadians 1924 - 1951: Profiles and Case Studies” (6 - 9 September 1991), sponsored by the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta. The work of this conference proceeded in seven sections, each dealing with a definite topic. The section “Immigration and Settlement” dealt with two reports: “Ukraine’s Archival Sources on the History of Ukrainians in Canada (1920 - 1939)” by Leonid Leshchenko (Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv) and “Occupations of Ukrainian Immigrants in Canada during the Interwar Period” by Oleksandr Sych. One of the stages in the author’s Canadiana was to establish the fruitful scientific contacts with the Russian Association for Canadian Studies (RACS), including his participation in its International Biennial Conferences, the meetings with the President of RACS, Dr. Sergei Molochkov and other Canadianists, etc.
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