International Migration as an Instrument of Hybrid Aggression
international migration, hybrid warfare, European Union, migration crisis, information campaign, Russian FederationAbstract
Migration element of the hybrid strategy is becoming one of the dominant methods in the geopolitical confrontation and struggle for influence within the framework of the system of international relations. Artificially supported migration processes are becoming powerful weapons that are used by both asymmetric actors and revanchist states. Migration can cause an outflow of labor and intellectual resources from the state, undermining its potential. Also, temporary labor migrants could become an agents on influence of the foreign forces in their home state. However, the practice of destabilization of countries-recipients of migrants due to specially created migration flows directed to its territory is becoming even more dangerous. Artificially strengthened movement of migrants to EU states from the Middle East, which was seen in 2015-2016 and which is being implemented by Belarus’s authorities in 2021, undermines the unity of Europe and challenges the values of the Western world.
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