Z. Brzezinski’s Strategic Vision of the U.S. Foreign Policy in Late 20th Century and First Two Decades of the 21st Сentury
U.S. foreign policy, world leadership, Carter Doctrine, Bush Doctrine, foreign policy goals, G. H. W. Bush, R. Reagan, B. Clinton, B. Obama, D. Trump, J. BidenAbstract
The study of the influence of Brzezinski (both - as of scientist and politician) on the formation of directions and principles of foreign policy of the United States presidential administrations for almost 50 years allows us to understand the essence of U.S. world leadership and its dynamics in the context of global security and cooperation architecture. The article considers the issue of practical use of elements of Z. Brzezinski's paradigm in the U.S. foreign policy since 1977 until now, yet it is stressed that the advisory and assistance regarding international policy issues was provided by Z.Brzezinski to the US highest level decision-makers and leaders since 1956. The impact of his consultations and recommendations on the foreign policy decisions of the presidential administrations of J. Carter, R. Reagan, G. H. W. Bush, B. Clinton and B. Obama has been analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the incorporation of Z. Brzezinski's concepts during his work on the position of National Security Adviser to President J. Carter (1977-1981) into the field of the U.S. foreign policy of that time. Special focus is made on his role in supporting of anti-communist underground movements, human rights and independence supporters and political dissidents inside the Warsaw Pact countries and USSR itself, including Poland, Baltic countries and Ukraine during the presidencies of J.Carter and R.Reagan. Some international political problems that occurred in the process of implementing the U.S. foreign policy under the presidencies of G. W. Bush Jr and D. Trump in the context of deviations from the concepts proposed by Z. Brzezinski are emphasized especially those that led to the attempts of restoring the Russian neo-empire and violation of the international laws and rules of coexistence. The potential use of the ideas and approaches from Z.Brzezinski’s scientific and political heritage by President J. Biden are considered.
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