NATO – a Key Platform of Ukrainian-Canadian Security Cooperation
security cooperation, security policy, NATO, Ukraine, CanadaAbstract
The assessment of the state of security cooperation between Ukraine and Canada on the NATO platform is carried out in the context of the study of Ukraine's role in Canada's actual security policy. The importance of such a study is determined by the priority of solving urgent problems in the field of international support for national security and the implementation of the foreign policy course for Euro-Atlantic integration of our state. The existence of significant threats to the national security of Ukraine in the context of conflict with Russian Federation determines the relevance of studying the theoretical and practical aspects of cooperation with key foreign partners to counter security challenges. Canada remains a staunch supporter of Ukraine’s state sovereignty, regardless of temporary changes in domestic and foreign policy. Such a consistent position of Ottawa defines the significance and effectiveness of the special partnership of this state with Ukraine, in particular, in the field of security policy. The article reviews the main aspects of Ukrainian-Canadian cooperation within NATO as the main multilateral security platform for Ukraine. An important component of Canadian support for Ukraine is the desire to bring Ukrainian military, social and democratic standards in line with the standards of NATO member countries. In this context, Canadian practical and expert experience is extremely important for our country. We are constantly confirming this in the process of meaningful Ukrainian-Canadian political dialogue within international organizations and NATO in particular. Thus, Ottawa actively supports Ukraine's efforts for Euro-Atlantic integration and plays an important role in filling the practical content of Kyiv's cooperation with the Alliance in the military-political and humanitarian spheres.
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