The Center for Romanian Studiesʼ Activities in Context of Ukraineʼs Humanitarian Policy
Ukraine, the Center for Romanian Studies (CRS), Yurii Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, European integration, RomaniaAbstract
The cooperation between countries, educational institutions and people in particular plays a pivotal role in the European integration process. Ukraine is an independent European country which seeks to develop diverse relations of good neighborhood with Romania both bilaterally and in the framework of international and regional structures. The interest to the consistent support and upward development of the Ukrainian-Romanian dialogue is strengthened by the endless historical, cultural and spiritual ties between these two countries. The similarity of their strategic guidelines serves as a basis for the development and strengthening of cooperation between Ukraine and Romania. The author of the article analyzed and highlighted the work of the Center for Romanian Studies (the CRS) at Yurii Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University as a scientific organization that consolidates the scientists of different fields, namely, the specialists in international relations, political scientists, historians, philosophers, lawyers, anthropologists, economists interested in Romanian issues, Romanian-Ukrainian and Romanian-Ukrainian relations with the purpose of research, information exchange and coordination of researchers in this field. The CRS is created by the decision of the Scientific Council of Chernivtsi National University as its scientific structural unit. To perform its objectives the Centre can interact with other centers and organizations with common goals and maintain international contacts and ties, initiate the signing of agreements, and participate in the activities that do not contradict the international obligations of Ukraine and current legislation and the Charter of Yurii Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University. The main purpose of the Center for Romanian Studies is the research of the Romanian subject, including politics, history, culture, Ukrainian-Romanian and Romanian-Ukrainian historical and cultural relations, and features of the current foreign policy of Romania. In this context it provides the development of scientific contacts between Ukrainian and foreign scientists engaged with the outlined issues.
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