Historical Memory of the City Slavuta as a Determinant of its Residents' National Identity Molding
historical memory, national identity, microhistory, history of Ukraine, SlavutaAbstract
The article presents the issues related to the importance of historical memory in a small town, which is one of the integral parts of the national identity. In this context, the author refers to the research carried out in 2018-2020 in the city of Slavuta. It is a small town located in the north of Khmelnytsky Oblast, which has not been significantly explored by researchers so far. The author refers to the concept of microhistory, presenting the legitimacy of treating a place as a basic structure through which it is possible to learn about complex and multifaceted structures. The hypothesis that has been verified was that each town, regardless of its size, has its own unique history, which is necessary to study and understand the history of a particular state as a whole, on which the process of forming national identity is based. In order to verify the hypothesis, the author used a number of research methods characteristic of the social sciences. He based the research process on the semi-structured interview method. In addition, applied the historical-comparative and phenomenological methods. The results of the research presented by the author show that the inhabitants of Slavuta believe that the most valuable period in the history of the city was the reign of the Sanguszko family over the town. Local history is an inseparable element of the history of the state in general, it is necessary to implement this historical memory of the city into a wider historical context, which is the basis for shaping the national identity. Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that the exploration of historical space is possible through the implementation of specific activities. The article contains suggestions of such educational and cultural activities.Summarizing the considerations contained in the article, it is necessary to emphasize the considerable importance of restoring the historical memory of the place, and then its implementation into a wider historical context. Work financed by a subsidy of the Faculty of International and Political Studies of Jagiellonian University in Cracow (Poland) allocated to research activities.
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