Modern Approaches in the Study of Diplomacy
diplomacy, international relations, foreign policy, international actors, international systemAbstract
The article examines the modern theorizing of diplomacy. The author reveals the polymorphic nature of scientific approaches to diplomacy. The expansion of the spheres covered by diplomatic activity and the increase in the number of actors who can act in international relations, fulfilling representative functions, turns modern diplomacy into a complex phenomenon. Therefore, despite the growing interest to the study of diplomacy, it has not yet been possible to form a coherent theory of it. The purpose of the article is to reveal modern scientific approaches to the diplomacy. The article problematizes traditional ideas about diplomatic activity as the practice of international actors (primarily states), carried out by official representatives, and offers an updated view of this phenomenon as a way of interaction of many interested actors in interdependent spheres of international relations. Current transformation of diplomatic activity, politicization and virtualization of many spheres of social interaction, combined with the rapid involvement of a large number of actors in international relations, will inevitably pose new challenges to diplomacy and diplomats. At the same time, the current state of international relations - the revival of self-help strategies and the desire to restructure the international system by some individual actors - indicate a high probability of strengthening the classic forms of diplomacy in view of the importance of observing the rules and norms agreed upon by the international community. Therefore, diplomacy will continue to respond to the needs of state actors in international relations and will retain its own decisive importance in the context of coordinating national interests and ensuring the stability of the international system.
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