Transformation of the State-Centric Model of the International Order in the 21st Century
state, nation, sovereignty, desovereignization, system of international relations, world order, globalization, participants of international relationsAbstract
It is proved that state and non-state participants of international relations create regional and global networks of interaction, which are developing dynamically. However, the destruction of national sovereignty on a global scale cannot be stated nowadays. It has been stated that the strengthening of the sovereignty of the world's leading states and its weakening in the periphery. Sovereignty in the countries of the world periphery was transformed, and political power was reconfigured precisely because of the growing dependence of peripheral states on transnational participants in international relations, international organizations, institutions and leading countries of the world. In contrast to peripheral countries, the countries of the “centre” have strong legitimate control over what happens in their territories. However, there is an increase in the powers of institutions of international governance, requirements and obligations of international law. This is especially true in the EU, where sovereign power is divided between international, national and local authorities, while the same trend can be seen in the activities of intergovernmental organizations such as the WTO. Global financial and economic crises and pandemics are forcing states to resort to protectionist measures, which has sparked a scientific debate on strengthening sovereignty and strengthening state borders. These arguments strengthen the positions of the representatives of the realistic paradigm and weaken the positions of the representatives of the liberal-idealist paradigm.
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