Power Structures in the Implementation of Internal Armed Violence: Repression and Terror in the Political Systems Practice





force and law structures, repression and terror, internal armed violence, political systems


The practice of using force and law structures in the implementation of repression and terror and the experience of preventing these types of armed violence in different political systems of today are analyzed. The categories “power structures”, “armed violence”, “repression and terror” were defined. It is revealed that in today's essential understanding repression and terror were first used as one of the force tools for stabilizing socio-political processes within the revolutions of the mid-seventeenth - early twentieth centuries and a series of post-revolutionary civil wars and coups d'etat. It is stated that upon completion of the processes of the modern world system formation, which according to I. Wallerstein operates on the basis of market mechanisms, provides for the presence of central, semi-peripheral and peripheral zones with fundamentally different economic potential. The possibility of using repression and terror became directly dependent on the political structure existing in a given country. It is noted that in the liberal-democratic political systems typical of the center of today's world economy, repression and terror as elements of power are completely absent, as it prevents the security forces from entering the political process and public control over their activities. Under the semi-peripheral totalitarian system, the analyzed types of armed violence are an integral part of the state functioning and are used in all social spheres. In authoritarian political systems, typical for the semi-periphery and the periphery, terror is not used, and repression is not the main instrument of domination which is used exactly for political purposes. The structure of the clan-oligarchic system, widespread in the semi-peripheral zone, creates potential opportunities for repression. However, their widespread usage is blocked by elements of facade democracy, which are exploited by economic and political groups in competition with the central government.

Author Biography

Anton Bader, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University

Doctor of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, director, educational and scientific institute of history, international relations and socio-political sciences


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How to Cite

Bader, A. (2021). Power Structures in the Implementation of Internal Armed Violence: Repression and Terror in the Political Systems Practice. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (43), 146–157. https://doi.org/10.31861/mhpi2021.43.146-157