Information Support for the Functioning of Political Institutions: Formation of Theoretical and Methodological Framework
communication, political communication, information, political discourse, information supportAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the features of the formation of the theoretical and methodological framework of information support for the functioning of political institutions. The growing importance of information in society and the new role of communicative processes that change the political landscape, naturally aroused interest in the phenomenon of political communication, which in one form or another has always been an integral attribute of the political system. The influence of political communication in the context of a global information society against the background of a qualitative change in the forms and methods of its implementation is not only growing, but also becoming dominant. Political communication is associated with the purposeful transmission and selective perception of politically significant information, without which the dynamics of the political process is impossible. Despite the fact that the development of the information society is due to the emergence of innovative information technologies, the dissemination of information in it directly depends on the development of new communication channels and the purposeful building of information flows. The most significant part of communication channels is used in the interests of information support of political activity, as the main element of political communication. As a result of the analysis carried out, information support for the functioning of political institutions was determined as one of the directions of political communication and an element of information policy at the same time. According to the author, it is characterized by a dual nature, since it is both a function of the political system and a component of the political process. Information support in the political sphere provides for the use of all available communication channels in the interests of implementing a political strategy and solving basic problems. In addition, information support forms a kind of “information cushion” necessary to prepare the public for a favorable perception of the political institution. At the same time, despite the existing theoretical developments, the essence of information support for the functioning of political institutions remains a poorly studied problem of political science. The clarity of the scientific understanding of the category “information support for the functioning of a political institution” is also complicated by the vagueness of the interpretation of the term “support”, which determines the content of information activities of subjects.
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