Ukrainian City as a Socio-Cultural Phenomenon and the Subject Matter of Management.

Dobrzhanskyi S. Municipal Administration of the Right-Bank Ukraine, Galicia and Bukovina: A Comparative Analysis of the Functioning of Government (the late 19th – early 20th Century)




municipal administration, review, city, Ukraine


Sceintific review of S. Dobrzhanskyi book 'Municipal Administration of the Right-Bank Ukraine, Galicia and Bukovina: A Comparative Analysis of the Functioning of Government (the late 19th – early 20th Century)'.

Author Biographies

Hanna Skoreyko, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History of Ukraine

Fadey Yatsenyuk, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History of Ukraine


Dobrzhanskyi S. (2021) Municipal Administration of the Right-Bank Ukraine, Galicia and Bukovina: A Comparative Analysis of the Functioning of Government (the late 19th – early 20th Century). Chernivtsi: Print Art, 452 p.



How to Cite

Skoreyko, H., & Yatsenyuk, F. (2021). Ukrainian City as a Socio-Cultural Phenomenon and the Subject Matter of Management. : Dobrzhanskyi S. Municipal Administration of the Right-Bank Ukraine, Galicia and Bukovina: A Comparative Analysis of the Functioning of Government (the late 19th – early 20th Century). Modern Historical and Political Issues, (43), 307–311.