The Positions of the Visegrad Group States on the European Union Policy Towards Ukraine in the Context of the Russo-Ukrainian War
the Visegrad Group, EU, eastern policy, Ukraine, the Russo-Ukrainian WarAbstract
The article analyses the positions of the Visegrad Group states on the European Union policy towards Ukraine in the context of the Russo-Ukrainian War. The relevance of the study is associated with the Visegrad Group states’ significant role in the formation and implementation of the EU’s modern Eastern policy. After becoming the EU members and achieving the main goal declared in the Visegrad Declaration of February 15, 1991, the Visegrad Group states did not abandon their joint effort within the framework of the regional union. Instead, they intensified their support for the European integration aspirations of their neighbouring countries, namely Ukraine. Being united in their positions on many issues important for the EU and Ukraine, the Visegrad Group has achieved tangible results. The Visegrad Group states supported Ukraine’s European aspirations despite its obvious struggle with the pace and quality of reforms and the level of democracy, corruption and prosperity in the country. They ensured that Ukraine was on the EU’s agenda and used the available resources and opportunities to keep the discussion on Ukraine going among the top decision-makers of the EU, especially after the Revolution of Dignity. All of the Visegrad Group states supported the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and the decision to allow visa-free travel for Ukrainians. However, the Visegrad Group states had differing views on the Russo-Ukrainian conflict. For example, Poland’s rigid and uncompromising stance differed from the cautious and sometimes ambiguous positions of Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Thus, the article aims to determine the differences among the positions of the Visegrad Group states regarding the EU’s policy towards Ukraine in the context of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict. Ultimately, the Visegrad Group failed to reach the consensus on the Russo-Ukrainian War and sanctions against the aggressor. Differing views on the Russo-Ukrainian War clearly demonstrate lack of unanimity. Thus, the divergent reactions of the Visegrad Group states signal their inability to act as an in-house advocate for the EU’s Eastern neighbours and, in general, weaken the EU’s ability to implement its Eastern policy effectively.
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