Features of the Manifestations of Right-Wing Extremism and Terrorism in the European Information Space
right-wing terrorism, extremism, European security, Germany, Italy, FranceAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of manifestations of right-wing extremism and terrorism in the countries of Western Europe, in particular Italy, Germany and France. Researchers note the main characteristic features of these phenomena: the greatest threat of violence was small spontaneous attacks carried out by informal and unorganized groups against ethnic and religious minorities; right-wing extremist violence and terrorism were mostly carried out by representatives of the ethnic majority against “weaker minorities”, since for right-wing extremists the value of a person is determined by his belonging to a certain ethnic group or nation, which fully explains the presence of elements of nationalist or racist ideology in right-wing extremism; the number of fatal attacks perpetrated by organized groups, affiliated members and coordinated organizations has significantly decreased; deadly terrorist acts were predominantly carried out by older men with bigoted racist beliefs, while young extremists promoted terrorist narratives online, contributing to the growing transnational threat of right-wing extremism; increased use of social networks and other online platforms as a means of spreading propaganda for right-wing terrorism and extremism, recruiting new members, communicating and training supporters and members of groups, spreading fear and tension, gathering intelligence, planning terrorist acts; the immediate access of extremists and terrorists to an audience of millions, the lack of clear state control over the publication of violent content in social networks significantly simplifies the procedure for uniting extremists and terrorists for the purpose of free exchange of ideas and plans, promotes the spread of extremist ideas anonymously or under pseudonyms; mainstream right-wing extremist ideas: the use of humor and sarcasm when formulating one's own views and ideas for greater consumption; spreading fake news, memes, trolling and posting.
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