The Role of the Political Component in the Process of Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine




Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine, NATO, Political component of Cooperation between Ukraine and NATO, Aggression of the Russian Federation


The need to strengthen the political component of Euro-Atlantic integration, increase the efficiency of structural units of the Ukrainian state authorities and intensify their activities to inform the public about the fulfilment of their tasks in this area are substantiated in the article. This approach, along with greater involvement of scientific, expert and public circles into the Euro-Atlantic integration process, will contribute to improve the effectiveness of this process, increase the level of public support to Ukraine's course towards NATO membership, and coordinate and deepen cooperation between Ukraine and the Alliance. The political component of the Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine has become especially relevant in the light of ongoing Russian aggression against Ukraine and adopted in 2019 amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine, which set the country's course to full membership in NATO. Its role is determined by the political activities of the Alliance, the political segments of bilateral documents and Ukrainian legislative acts on the issues of Euro-Atlantic Integration, the importance of political decisions, the involvement of all state authorities into the Euro-Atlantic Integration process, the intensification of non-military segments of Ukraine-NATO cooperation, and their greater clarity for the Ukrainian society, unlike the military ones. The constitutional double-goal of Ukraine to become a member of both NATO and the EU requires strengthening the political coordination of these two complementary processes in Ukraine. The author substantiates the necessity of combining the functions of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration in separate structural departments of the governmental bodies of Ukraine, as well as enhancing their activity in informing the society about measures, which they have performed in these spheres. The political component of the Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine should become intensified, properly shaped and well-coordinated in the governmental bodies, visible for the society and used for countering current threats.

Author Biography

Vitalii Martyniuk , European University

Phd student


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How to Cite

Martyniuk , V. (2020). The Role of the Political Component in the Process of Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (42), 57–69.