Ukraine in Modern Globalization Processes: Challenges to the National State
globalization, state sovereignty, national state, transnational corporationsAbstract
In the 20th and 21st centuries, the world has faced the acceleration of transnationalization, the strengthening of interdependence and the establishment of an international order with the help of the UN and other international organizations, as well as the phenomenon of “erosion” of state sovereignty. The information revolution and the interaction of cultures and values have intensified the trend towards building a democratic society and fighting for human rights and freedoms. The globalization undermines an ability of the state to maintain borders and exercise sovereignty. States today can be legally sovereign, but in practice they are forced to negotiate with all the actors on the world stage, as a result of which their freedom of action is significantly limited. The development of the modern world is characterized by the processes of globalization, enhances the universalization of all spheres of social life and certainly cannot but influence the functioning of national states. Globalization forces us to revise the traditional principles of sovereignty in connection with changes in ideas about the difference between internal and external, state and international, territorial and non-territorial politics. Ukraine's accession of independence provides for the formation of the integral socio-political, self-identified community, capable of withstanding internal and external challenges. In Ukraine, the process of becoming the full-fledged nation-state with its own interests continues. This problem is also actualized by the ambitious goal that has been set, about Ukraine's entry into forty developed countries of the world.
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