Modern Processes of Digitalization in Diplomatic Service of Ukraine and Kuwait
digital diplomacy, digitalization of diplomatic practices, Ukraine, Kuwait, tool-kit of digital diplomacyAbstract
The paper provides an overview of the current digital diplomacy (DD) practices being implemented by the Ministries of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Ukraine and Kuwait. Given the fact that digital diplomacy is becoming an integral part of the foreign policy in numerous countries, it appears reasonable to analyze the latest experience of Ukraine and Kuwait which represent a fast implementation of digital instruments in their diplomatic practices. Both states are considered as long-time partners which enjoy a fruitful experience of mutual cooperation and have certain peculiarities in the use of digital diplomacy. At the same time, high technologies transform the traditional diplomacy, dramatically increasing the digital impact on the practice and priorities of international relations. Such challenges as digital diplomatic management, targeting of widening key audiences and increasing transparency of diplomatic actions have already become a new reality for modern diplomats. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to clarify the goals, tool-kit and challenges of digital diplomacy of Ukraine and Kuwait. The paper also presents a comparative analysis of existing positive practices of Ukraine and Kuwait in digital diplomacy. This research made it possible to trace the key areas of the digitalization processes in the diplomatic services of Ukraine and Kuwait including consular online services, digitalization of diplomats’ training, the use of digital instruments in the routine diplomatic procedures etc. The author elaborated a comparative table outlining the similarities and differences of digital diplomacy of the mentioned countries. The study confirms that digital diplomacy can be helpful in a range of issues, from internal communication between government bodies to security challenges (e.g. countering information threats and disinformation in the online network). Thus, the coordinated and comprehensive digitalization of diplomatic practice is no longer a subject of discussions on feasibility but a priority on the diplomatic agendas.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Olha Seheda, Volodymyr Smolianiuk

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