Ukraine-Japan Relationships and Their Influence on the Development of the Ukrainian State




Ukraine-Japan relationships, the Program «Kusanone», development of the Ukrainian state, political cooperation, donor, technical aid, financial aid


The article reveals the results of the study of Ukrainian-Japanese relations and their influence on the development of the Ukrainian state. Relationships between two countries are dynamically developing. The legal framework of two countries includes fifty four documents. It is typical for Ukraine-Japan relationships to follow the principle of human security/ according to the principle the main object of politics is a person, not the state. Adherence to these principles is traced in Japan's foreign policy, assessment of domestic devel-opments and Ukrainian issues in the international arena, as traced in the 2004 statements on the Ukrainian presidential election, the 2009 Ukrainian-Russian gas war, and the Revolution of Dignity. Another step to mutual trust and friendly relations is being made through official meetings between Japanese and Ukrainian statesmen and politicians. Since 1994 representatives of both countries have made official trips and held negotiations that paved way for developing two side relationships. There is a functioning Association «Japan-Ukraine» in a Japanese Parliament responsible for the relations with Kyiv. Similar group has been working in Ukrainian Parliament which is in charge of relations with Japan. Japan’s foreign policy regarding Ukraine is a part of the general strategy applied in formation of the so-called «The Ark of Freedom and Prosperity in Euroasia» and, at the same time, one of the foundation principles of Japan foreign policy. According to this approach Tokyo is eager to sup-port formation of the circle of successful and prosperous countries. Officially providing aid, Tokyo helps to strengthen democracy, develop infrastructure and legal framework considering historic and cultural development of the country. “Kusanone” is the main assistance program to Ukraine, under which up to 15 projects are implemented annually. Thus, since 2004, Japan has implemented 103 projects worth a total of $ 7.5 million. Through the Kusanone projects, Japan also indirectly contributes to Ukraine's development by providing financial and technical assistance through intergovernmental agreements, as well as grant projects for international non-governmental organizations to strengthen the role of democratic institutions, economic and administrative reforms, and infrastructure development.

Author Biography

Nazar Serediuk, National University «Ostroh Academy»

Phd student, Department of International Relations


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How to Cite

Serediuk, N. (2020). Ukraine-Japan Relationships and Their Influence on the Development of the Ukrainian State . Modern Historical and Political Issues, (42), 89–98.