Theoretical Aspects of Interpreting the Institution of the Presidency in Ukraine
institution of the presidency, public authority, political system, president, authority, head of stateAbstract
The purpose of this article is to analyze scientific research, devoted to issues of theoretical interpretation of the institution of the presidency in Ukraine. To study the problem, the article uses institutional and functional approaches, historical, comparative and descriptive methods. The concept of the institution of the presidency, its place and role in the political system of Ukraine is revealed. The author analyzed the available theoretical intelligence taking into account political, historical and legal interpretations. Attention is drawn to the fact, that after the 90s of the 21st century. a new phenomenon in the political system appeared in Ukraine. With the introduction of the post of president, Ukrainian politics acquired a certain modernization and initiated a theoretical understanding of the institution of the presidency. Today, the institution of the presidency is one of the topical areas of political science research. National practice in matters of presidential power clearly testifies to the importance of this body in the structure of the political system. This exacerbates the need to study the theoretical foundations of the institution of the presidency in Ukraine as a political phenomenon and requires the generalization of the scientific output of Ukrainian researchers in the study of the domestic model of the institution of the presidency. The author states that there were both objective and subjective factors for the introduction of the post of President in Ukraine. In particular, Ukraine needed economic changes on a market basis, significant changes in the political system, the solution of many social problems, the establishment of Ukraine as an equal subject of international relations, the establishment of relations with the countries of the former USSR.
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