Trends of Authoritarianism and Populism in the Activities of Political Leaders and Parties in Bulgaria




Republic of Bulgaria, European Union, political parties, political leaders, authoritarianism, populism, presidential and parliamentary elections


The author analyzes the manifestations of populism and authoritarianism in Bulgaria, their close connection to the recent communist past, the immaturity of the democratic system and culture. Over the years of democratization and EU membership, the values of democracy, in particular: freedom, responsibility, willingness to compromise, respect for democratic procedures and processes, have not yet been strengthened in the minds of Bulgarians, who regularly prefer a "charismatic personality". Support for democratic institutions in the country is low. Despite the mechanisms of cooperation and inspections, the European Commission annually reports serious problems with corruption and bribery in the higher authorities, administration, judicial proceedings, and the prosecutor's office. The analysis showed that support for democratic institutions in the country is low, that the crisis of confidence in the institutions of the state and the political class, frustrations in the realities of European integration create an ideological vacuum. Populism, in contrast to traditional ideological systems, deeply depends on the peculiarities of national political culture, a specific set of circumstances of socio-economic and political life of the country. In the history of Bulgaria, populism has manifested itself in different ways and on a large scale. It is proved that the populism of the ruling parties and the opposition cannot mobilize the public to solve the economic and political problems of the state within democratic limits; that Bulgarians' protests, caused by low living standards, populism, high levels of corruption, helplessness, or the reluctance of governments to eradicate them, have not stopped for a long time. Wherever populist leaders came to power, it acquired an authoritarian character, accompanied by abuses and harassment (but not destruction) of the opposition. History knows the sad examples of democracies when authoritarian leaders came to power. Therefore, the author believes that the institutions of democracy in Bulgaria have not yet strengthened, and therefore there is a real threat of reversal of authoritarianism. Confidence that the state will not deviate from the democratic path, will then, when the challenges of authoritarianism and populism are overcome, facing Bulgaria, the EU and Europe.

Author Biography

Vira Burdiak, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Doctor of Political Science, Professor Department of Political Science and Public Administration


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How to Cite

Burdiak, V. (2020). Trends of Authoritarianism and Populism in the Activities of Political Leaders and Parties in Bulgaria . Modern Historical and Political Issues, (42), 36–147.