Countering Disinformation Influences in the National Space of the Republic of Poland




disinformation, propaganda, Republic of Poland, EU, debunking ‘fake news’, fact-checking outlets


The body of the article goes on to disclose the problem of the impact of digital technologies and media on democracy, its grounds and values. The author addresses the problem of the broad using of cutting-edge technology in Poland by those in power, serving their goals and posing a clear threat to democratic outcomes, in particular during the election campaigns. Furthermore, the author states that through advanced technological capacity and the use of highly targeted behavior modification techniques, different governmental institutions have been applying new and more-sophisticated forms of propaganda and disinformation enabling deepfakes, trolls, bots – artificial intelligence technology and other malicious software so that to refine and shape public opinion with an easy reach and power. In this context, the findings of the research, conducted in Poland and the EU, on the threats of hostile social manipulation and disinformation in the information space are significant, whereas the poll results testify to the Poles’ concerns about who is supposed to be in control of efficient debunking ‘fake news’ as well as their aspirations to be internet-literate in terms of deepfakes. The author concludes by arguing that well-informed societies are more resistant to being encroached and manipulated, and a quick and effective joint reply to potential threats requires strategic mass communication. The researcher emphasizes that recently in Poland Mass Communication have launched fact-checking services, in particular several Polish fact-checking projects set up designing websites that provide fact-checking. Regrettably, so far none of the Polish platforms has been involved in closer international cooperation in the framework of the European initiatives. Several landmark studies observed that Poland has also failed to create a common front in countering disinformation even during the elections. Each organization works according to its own vision of solving the problem. However, in recent years in Poland there has been a tendency of developing the government agencies’ capacity to strengthen their response to the threats of disinformation and manipulation: namely, the state key institutions for cyber security successfully implemented their cooperation and coordination initiatives.

Author Biography

Oksana Zvozdetska , Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of International Communications and Information Policy


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How to Cite

Zvozdetska , O. (2020). Countering Disinformation Influences in the National Space of the Republic of Poland . Modern Historical and Political Issues, (42), 160–172.