Ukraine in International Space Projects: Historical Context




history of rocket and space technology, international cooperation, international space projects, national security, Ukraine


Unprecedented challenges facing the international community necessitate intensified cooperation in science and technology and innovation. Space exploration stimulates the development of new technologies in various fields, such as national security and defense, materials science, energy, telecommunications, medicine, and others. The purpose of the article is to study the historical stages and peculiarities of Ukraine’s international cooperation in the rocket and space industry. The article uses general scientific and special historical methods (retrospective, problematic and chronological, comparative historical, analysis, synthesis and classification). The main international space projects involving Ukrainian specialists are presented. The peculiarities of Ukraine’s cooperation with different countries in the rocket and space industry are identified. The impact of international cooperation on the development of the Ukrainian rocket and space industry is analyzed. In addition, the space industry is a high-tech sector of the economy that can generate significant revenues. Participation in international projects can stimulate the development of Ukrainian business, export of Ukrainian technologies and creation of new jobs in this knowledge-intensive industry. An analysis of the historical context of Ukraine’s cooperation with other countries in the space sector allows for a more detailed examination and assessment of the contribution of Ukrainian space enterprises to solving global problems facing humanity. It is proved that the scientific and technological achievements of Ukrainian enterprises and research institutions have strengthened Ukraine’s position as a high-tech state in the global space community. Cooperation with other countries has opened up new opportunities for the Ukrainian rocket and space industry and stimulated its innovative development.

Author Biographies

Olena Voitiuk, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University

Doctor of Philosophy in history and archeology, Senior Lecturer of the Department of International Relations and Political Management

Andrii Shevchuk, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of International Relations and Political Management


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How to Cite

Voitiuk, O., & Shevchuk, A. (2024). Ukraine in International Space Projects: Historical Context. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (49), 209–219.