60th Anniversary of Warsaw Uprising and its Influence on Poland-Germany Relations





Warsaw Uprising, Poland-German relations, reparation, restitution, Union of Expelled


The main idea of upon article is “a closing eyes” on the historical problem in mutual relations between states, what is leading for the problem. Such situation had place in Polish-Germany relations at the end of 90th. The research in this field is more than important, obviously in the angle of Poland-Ukraine relations. The 60th anniversary of Warsaw Uprising is the point of changes in historical narrative in Poland and German as well. Firstly, it was first official visit on the level of the Prime Minister. Prime Minister tried to appease hot discussion about the question of German people restitution by Polish Government, obviously Union of Expelled. On the other hand, H. Schröder told clearly, that the government isn’t support the demands of expelled people to Polish Government. And his participations are arguments for this. Polish Government also, gave any support to the Statement of Sejm. Prime Minister noted clearly about that. Such situation is very interesting, because the public persons had more clear view of state`s interest, and they could sometimes more effectively reduce the mutual tensions. Moreover, the Euro-Atlantic integration of Poland showed that Poland was having historical claiming to Germany. And after accession, Poland started using history in mutual relation more actively and as some researchers wrote like a tool of pressure on partner. Germany, due to its political system has strong linkage with the Expelled people. Crucially, linkages have the roots in the influences during voting, in which every party tries to find support by the environment of expelled. The roots of problems in the Polish-German relation can be located also in the support of Germany for pipeline, which tries to build Russian Federation. On the Poland point of view, it`s the threat for security of energy complex. So, we can objectively note, that additionally the historical policy can be some tools of influences to vis-à-vis. It can be truly, that Poland are using historical memory for some pressure for Germany.

Author Biography

Orest Boichuk, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

Assistant of the Department of International Relations


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How to Cite

Boichuk, O. (2020). 60th Anniversary of Warsaw Uprising and its Influence on Poland-Germany Relations. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (41), 83–92. https://doi.org/10.31861/mhpi2020.41.83-92