Main Challenges to Modern Foreign Policy of Germany
German foreign policy, post-bipolar system of international relations, international security, multilateralismAbstract
In the past decades, foreign policy firstly of Western Germany and subsequently of a unified German state, was determined by the results of World War II. The reunification of German lands, the redemption of guilt for resolving the global conflict, and the restoration of a positive perception of Germany in the eyes of the international community were the main motives of Germany's foreign policy at the end of the twentieth century. However, successful actions in these directions have raised the debate in German society about new ambitious foreign policy goals. Modern Germany is one of the leading actors in both the global and European political arenas, an active participant in the settlement of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Therefore, the study of current factors of its foreign policy is of particular topicality for Ukraine. The purpose of our research is to identify the main challenges of contemporary German foreign policy, and the tasks are 1) to familiarize ourselves with the official vision of the foreign policy directions and priorities of Germany; 2) to study the sources devoted to modern foreign policy of Germany; 3) to identify the key challenges facing Germany's foreign policy in the 21st century. The conditions of the post-bipolar system of international relations allowed Germany to extend its influence upon the European system of international relations, but by non-military, economic and humanitarian methods. But, in the conditions of constant transformation of the system of international relations, Germany faces new challenges, and therefore today we can talk about potential transformations of its foreign policy.
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