In Search of a ‘“Middle Ground”: Aurel Onciul’s Political Success in the First Quarter of the Twentieth Century




Bukovyna, Kingdom Romania, Habsburg Empire, Aurel Onciul, Ianku Flondor


Aurel Onciul is one of the politicians of Bukovyna, who started his political activity in the early 20th century, trying to gain recognition for his political position both at the regional level and at the national one. A.Onciul's political maneuver was also influenced by the recognition of the centuries-old stay of Ukrainians in Bukovyna. The policy of the alliance with “Young Ruthenians” was considered by D.Kovalchuk to be unfavorable for the Romanian national actions. Because of this, the historian accused A.Onciul of harsh propaganda against the leaders of the National People's Party and the Romanian Conservative Party of Bukovyna. A.Onciul continued his political activities after the dissolution of "Tovărăşie Ţărănească". That is why he found himself among the members of the Romanian National Party in 1905, and in the Romanian Christian Social Party of Bukovyna from 1908. In fact, he launched a new stream of democrats, laying the foundations of the Romanian Democratic Party and starting its newspaper “Foaia Poporului”. Subsequently, he founded the Romanian Peasant Party on April 26, 1914, whose activities were interrupted by World War I. In the fall of 1918, A.Onciul defined his position, which did not coincide with the desire of the majority of Romanian politicians for the unification of all Romanian counties. Due to this reason, his signature under the program statement “Ce vrem?”, adopted at the meeting in the house of I. Bodia, is also missing. However, he took part in the meeting in the house of A.Hurmuzaki on October 15, 1918. As a member of the parliament, A.Onciul took a position that recognized the division of Bukovyna into two parts, which prevented further communication with Romanian politicians. He had to attend the meeting of the constituents while in Chernivtsi on October 27, 1918, and was even elected to the Romanian National Council in absence. However, he did not receive the powers, and due to that fact, he began cooperation with the Ukrainians and together with them received the powers of the governor of Upper Moldova. However, he failed to find support among the Romanians and form the government for the Romanian part of the region. The position and activities of A.Onciul in the events of October-November 1918 did not allow him to continue his political career in “Greater Romania”.

Author Biographies

Ihor Zhaloba, Institute of History of Ukraine the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of History, Professor, Senior Reseacher

Ihor Piddubny, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Doctor of History, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Zhaloba, I., & Piddubny, I. (2024). In Search of a ‘“Middle Ground”: Aurel Onciul’s Political Success in the First Quarter of the Twentieth Century. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (49), 220–230.