Middle Eastern Vector in External Policies of Central Asian Countries





Central Asia, The Middle East, International Relations, Economic Cooperation, Geopolitics


The article investigates modern connection between Central Asian and Middle Easter countries. It was defined that geopolitical value of Central Asia is increasing because of rivalry between leading states for increasing of their influence spheres in this region. For leading Middle Eastern countries battle for strengthening of influence in Central Asia is one of the forms of battle for leadership in the Middle East. It was stated that factors of strengthening of cooperation between Central Asia and Middle East are cultural (language and religion) solidarity, search for market to sale energy carriers, striving for diversification of their economy with decreasing their dependence from oil and gas market. Taking into account unwillingness of authoritarian governments of Central Asian countries to allow external involvement into domestic policy, trade-economic and investment relations are main vectors of cooperation. By developing relations with Middle Eastern countries Central Asian countries are striving to decrease their external dependence from China and Russia. It was found out that Kazakhstan wants to become part of Islamic economical community the most from other Central Asian countries. This conclusion was found by stating that Kazakhstan has made the biggest amount of activities to involve investments from Middle Eastern countries. It was stated, that these activities contributed to great increasing of investments from the Middle East that were involved into Kazakhstan’s economy. It was defined that relations between other Central Asian and Middle Eastern countries are being complicated because of uncertainty of external policy, secrecy of power, unavailability to provide exact rules for investment and money control. Thus, despite numerous initiatives from ruling elites of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and other specific projects these countries do not have long-term cooperation strategy with Middle Eastern countries. Perspective direction for researching is more detailed studying of two-sided relations of each of these Central Asian countries with Middle East.

Author Biography

Nataliia Mykytchuk , Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of International Relations


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How to Cite

Mykytchuk , N. (2020). Middle Eastern Vector in External Policies of Central Asian Countries. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (41), 135–145. https://doi.org/10.31861/mhpi2020.41.135-145