Experience of the Kingdom of Sweden in Migration Policy in the Process of Ukraine's Integration into the EU


  • Victor Sychov Ivan Franko National University of Lviv




migration policy, Sweden, migration crisis, the EU, Ukraine


The article examines the historical stages of the formation of Sweden's migration policy, its current state and the key problems faced by the Swedish government during the implementation of migration policy and during the migration crisis in the EU in 2015. “Open door” policy of Sweden has become an integral part of Sweden's foreign policy due to a number of historical, political and religious factors. The modern immigration model has a historical background, namely a collection of rich immigration experiences of past years with the long tradition of providing asylum to political and military refugees. At the very beginning of the migration crisis of 2015 – Swedish government faced a lot of problems, among them the shortage of social housing, the lack of a sufficient number of skilled personnel for work with arriving refugees, and the weak level of interaction between the main state authorities responsible for implementation of immigration policy. Sweden's migration policy experience is unique and cannot be easily integrated or directly used in Ukraine. The formation of a holistic vision of the peculiarities of the implementation of migration policy in Sweden allows to develop a comprehensive approach to the implementation of migration policy of Ukraine through effective and consistent consideration of the valuable experience of other countries, including the Kingdom of Sweden. Taking into account the peculiarities of the functioning of the Swedish migration policy, will allow Ukraine to improve its own political and legal regulation of labour migration, educational standards for migrants, as well as to revise the existing criteria for social security of migrants. It is emphasized that the use of practical experience of Swedish migration policy, taking into account its positive and negative aspects is useful for Ukraine, as our country should respond in a timely manner to the potential challenges of modern migration problems.

Author Biography

Victor Sychov, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

PhD Student at the Department of International Relations and Diplomatic Service, Faculty of International Relations


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How to Cite

Sychov, V. (2020). Experience of the Kingdom of Sweden in Migration Policy in the Process of Ukraine’s Integration into the EU. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (41), 194–204. https://doi.org/10.31861/mhpi2020.41.194-204