The New Silk Road Project as a Fuse for Separatism in the Xinjiang-Uyghur Autonomous Region




China, “New Silk Road”, Xinjiang-Uyghur Autonomous Region, XUAR, Uyghur, separatism


This article is about Chinese politics in Xinjiang-Uyghur Autonomous Region in the context of implementation of the “New Silk Road” strategy. Focus on stress factors that exist between the Uyghurs and Chinese government. The caused and motivation of Uyghur separatism are analyzed. Uyghur separatism express itself in different ways: terrorist attacks or international activity, contacts with Islamic organization or relations with Uyghur diasporas of the world. Although there is no new information about ethnic or religious confrontation, but the situation in XUAR does not disappear from the field of view of Beijing. Interest in supporting security in this region has only increased. Particular attention is paid to the “New Silk Road” which will pass through in Xinjiang-Uyghur Autonomous Region. Natural resources and geographic location of this region provide opportunities for economic improvement in western areas of China. XUAR used to be a raw material base, but after start of the project “New Silk Road” new enterprises began to open, infrastructure is actively developing, foreign investment is being attracted. All this changed perception of XUAR from the border land to important section of the “New Silk Road”. The new Chinese concept also reduces the relevance of the Uyghur issue in international relations. Neighboring countries interested in joining to the “New Silk Road” and Chinese investment. Because of this these countries are not so active in the Uyghur issue, which the Uyghur diasporas are trying to support. It should also be noted increased pressure on terrorist organization. Thatʼs why their connection with the East Turkestan Islamic movement has weakened.

Author Biography

Ivan Volodin, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Master of History


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How to Cite

Volodin, I. (2019). The New Silk Road Project as a Fuse for Separatism in the Xinjiang-Uyghur Autonomous Region. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (40), 42–49.