Cultural Memory and Urban Space in Shaping Cultural Identity




Chernivtsi, cultural memory, memory studies, monuments, squares, identity


Nowadays, in the age of massive spatial transformations in the built environment, cities witness a new type of development, different in size, scale and momentum that has been thriving since late 20th century. Diverse transformation of historic cities under modernisation has led to concerns in terms of the space and time continuity disintegration and the preservation of historic cities. In a similar approach, we can state that city and city space do not only consist of present, they also consist of the past; they include the transformations, relations, values, struggles and tensions of the past. As it could be defined, space is the history itself. Currently, we would like to display how Chernivtsi cultural and architectural heritage is perceived and maintained in the course of its evolution. Noteworthy, Chernivtsi city is speculated a condensed human existence and vibes, with public urban space and its ascriptions are its historical archives and sacred memory. Throughout the history, CHERNIVTSI’s urban landscape has changed, while preserving its unique and distinctive spirit of diversity, multifacetedness and tolerance. The city squares of the Austrian, Romanian and Soviet epochs were crammed with statuary of royal elites and air of aristocracy, soviet leaders and a shade of patriotic obsession, symbolic animals and sacred piety – that eventually shaped its unique “Bukovynian supranational identity”.

Author Biographies

Valentyna Bohatyrets, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Candidate of Political Science, Associate Professor, Department of Modern Foreign Languages and Translation

Liubov Melnychuk, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Candidate of Political Sciences, Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, Director of the Center for Romanian Studies, Head of the Department of International Communications, Institute for Democratization and Development


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How to Cite

Bohatyrets, V., & Melnychuk, L. (2019). Cultural Memory and Urban Space in Shaping Cultural Identity. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (40), 160–183.

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