Retrospective Analysis of Information Democracy in the Political and Information Space of Ukraine (1991-2018)
information, stages, democracy, e-democracy, ICT, Ukraine, models, development, politics, economicsAbstract
The article aims to identify the stages of development of informational democracy in Ukraine and analyze the current state of Ukraineʼs entry the world informational space. The study identifies the following stages: the first stage (1991-1997) – the emergence of informational democracy; the main feature of which is the pluralization of the media, which created the conditions for the occurrence of informational democracy; the second stage (1998-2004) is characterized by informatization of various spheres of vital activity of society and institutions of governance, the beginning of the development of e-democracy and laying the foundations for a technocratic model of informational democracy; the third stage of the development of Ukraineʼs informational democracy (2005-2009) laid the foundation for the development of digital, network and TVdemocracy; the partnership relations between the government and civil society are developing, which prompts the emergence of a procedural and advisory model of e-democracy, and the fourth stage (2010-2013) – being in conditions close to authoritarian the technocratic and procedural models were found, when problems with an advisory model were found; in addition there was an external threat of military and increased informational intervention. Since 2014, the fifth stage has begun, and as it is incomplete now, its review has not also been completed. In order to solve the problems, a comprehensive approach has been used to identify the trends and patterns of informational democracy. Structural functionalism treats the subject as a system with its structural components, each of which performs its functions. The methodologically important principle of structural and functional analysis is the consideration in a single integrity of the functions and dysfunctions of the institutes. This analysis helped to study the current state of democratic institutions. The political and system analysis provided an opportunity to comprehensively explore the political space as a system of communicative ties.
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