Cultural paradiplomacy as a component of the «soft power» of subnational actors
paradiplomacy, region, cultural diplomacy, «soft power», subnational actor, tourism, cultural paradiplomacyAbstract
The article deals with the interpretation of cultural paradiplomacy as one of the key tools for deepening the interaction of regions and the interpretation of this type of paradiplomacy as a component of the «soft power» of subnational actors. This kind of paradiplomacy is realized in the instrumental and symbolic aspects. The main goal of these aspects is the new quality of interactions through motivation of actors for economic cooperation, support of ethnic diasporas abroad and thereby, building the stability of the international relations in perspective. It is substantiated that culture plays one of the most important roles of modern politics and creates a positive image abroad. The cultural component of subnational regions does not rank first in a number of priorities in international relations, but despite this, the establishment of cultural ties is extremely important for them. It has been established that culture as a strategic resource conceals a tremendous potential for long-term strengthening of its international positions without the use of violent methods or unconventional methods of pressure on social relations. It is proved that the factor of culture as a component of «soft power» in world politics has recently acquired a new meaning, its influence on world social and economic processes and interstate relations is seriously increasing. It is determined that, in general, regions that implement paradiplomacy have a basic set of motives for this activity, which are in political, economic and cultural contexts.
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