Iraqi Kurdistan Oil and Gas Sector: Iraqi and International Dimensions




Iraq, Iraqi Kurdistan, Kurdish autonomy, Turkey, oil and gas industry


The article deals with the problem of the influence of the Iraqi Kurdistan oil and gas industry on the relations of the Kurdish autonomy with the central authority of Iraq. The international aspects of extraction and transportation of hydrocarbons from the territory of the Kurdistan Region are also analyzed. The legal basis for the functioning of the oil and gas complex in the region, the main differences between Erbil and Baghdad regarding the powers of the Kurdish regional government in the field of exploitation of natural resources of the autonomy is represented. It has been established that the independent activity of the Iraqi Kurdistan authorities in the development of the oil and gas industry in its territory, the wide involvement of foreign investment provided autonomy a significant source of income, which became the financial backing of Erbil in his political disputes with Baghdad. At the same time, in the question of the transportation of hydrocarbon, the landlocked Iraqi Kurdistan was critically dependent on Turkey, which greatly limits its range of options in its relations with Ankara. Excessive dependence of the Iraqi Kurdistan economy on hydrocarbon exports is one of the strategic challenges for Kurdish autonomy, but significant positive developments in this area are possible only in the long-term perspective.

Author Biography

Qadir Aso Araz, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Postgraduate student of the Department of International Relations and Diplomatic Service, Faculty of International Relations


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How to Cite

Araz, Q. A. (2019). Iraqi Kurdistan Oil and Gas Sector: Iraqi and International Dimensions . Modern Historical and Political Issues, (39), 58–67.