Hybrid Wars and Conflict Management Experience on the Example of Democratic Republic of the Congo





hybridwar, conflict management, peacemaking operation


The article is devoted to the issue of hybrid warfare and the experience of postwar management on the example of Democratic Republic of the Congo.It is revealed the weakness of the state that is not able to control the territory, the risks of democratic transformation and the influence of external forces. The author examines the tools of the hybrid war, analyzes the current situation in the country, the inability of the central government and the factors of external influence. The urgency of the topic is causes by importance of the planning postwar managementinUkraine, which is negotiating about peacekeeping mission on the territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Ukraine needs to know the possible consequences of this decision, studieng the experience of the countries with similar problems. An example of DR Congo demonstrates the loss of capital sovereignty over economically important regions, which can not be returned without external assistance. Moreover, even in liberated territories it is difficult to establish a stable order. The processes of unconventional conflicts lead to the weakening of sovereignty and the reduction or even loss of subjectivity. Accordingly, the methods of solving these issues with the involvement of international organizations often freeze the situation, leaving the subjectivity of the governments recognized in the world fragile. Such a development scenario also threatens Ukraine in the case of introduction the peacekeeping forces. The author comes to the conclusion that hybrid conflicts lead to a weakening of sovereignty, which is deepened by the influence of external forces. Intervention of the international community does not give the expected effect.

Author Biography

Yurii Oliinyk , Non-governmental analytical centre “Ukrainian studies of strategi disquisions”



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How to Cite

Oliinyk , Y. (2019). Hybrid Wars and Conflict Management Experience on the Example of Democratic Republic of the Congo. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (39), 79–82. https://doi.org/10.31861/mhpi2019.39.79-82