Spain's benefits in providing refugees with social services
refugees, Spain, migrants, EU countries, social services, humanitarian statusAbstract
The main idea of the article is survey the conditions provided by Spain the EU countries for migrants, especially Spain.. It reporters that government of EU countries gives different social aids for people seeking a sylum. First, author describes different social sources from EU countries such as Germany, Sweden, Italy, Greek, France and Great Britany. The article highlights issues such as the provision of temporary housing for refugees, cash benefits, employment opportunities and medical services. Then, particularly closely, author considers that migrants might have many benefits provided by the Spanish Government for refugees and for migrants with outrefugee status to compare with other countries. It spokes in detail about conditions for obtaining refugee status, penalties in case of violation of the law by illegal migrants and the conditions of their detention, medical and legal services, language courses, accommodations, and soon. In addition, the articles notes about help for minor children. To sum up, author stressed that migrants should be research for conditions of giving aids, rules and mentality of country for currently time.
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