Analysis of studies of modern electoral behavior in the information political space




new models of electoral behavior, states of consolidated democracy, transitive political regimes


The author analyzes new models of electoral behavior, developed mainly by Western scientists, in particular: the concept of multi-factor evaluation of elections, the concept of the impact of voters with changing preferences, the concept of electoral behavior at the individual level, where three types of electoral votes are distinguished: "voice of thought", "voice of belonging" and "voice of change" and the like. These concepts are a scientific reflection of the new processes that occur in the social and political structure of the states with a consolidated democracy, in a post-industrial, information society. Another situation exists in transitive political regimes, for which the following models are more adequate: the technological model of voting, the model of voting for a political image, the model of rational voting, the model of national-cultural identification, and the like. Various models and concepts give grounds for the conclusion that the differentiation of the electorate groups based on voting is a fruitful approach for stable societies that are devoid of explosive processes, rapid changes and are undergoing gradual evolutionary reforms, which are displayed in the results of voting of the citizens. But in transitional political regimes, the electoral choice most adequately indicates the model of voting for a positive image of a candidate or political party.

Author Biography

Andrii Konet, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Рostgraduate student of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration


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How to Cite

Konet, A. (2019). Analysis of studies of modern electoral behavior in the information political space. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (39), 128–135.